This is a three-month course for intermediate aspirants who already have a flair for the English language and aspire for some competent level of English communication skills both in written and spoken forms. If you already own the basic knowledge of basic grammatical rules and structures, translations along with fundamental English composition skills, this is the right course that will take your skills to the next level. This course will enhance your overall English skills and make you able to crack the most competitive exams, interviews, group discussions, etc.
It will take all your self-doubt and hesitation away and make you feel confident and fluent even in the sophisticated society, friend circle, or among your colleagues. In short, it will make your personal as well as professional easier, smoother, and fulfilling when it comes to rich and impressive English communication skills.
This course includes
Lifelong Free Access
Access via Smartphone | iPhone | Desktop
Online | Offline Classes
Practice Group | Study Notes
Certificate of Completion